суббота, 21 января 2017 г.

Let there be light

Let there be light

let there be light

Let there be light I had to clear my head today. Received a couple of (work related) emails that made me blow my top. I was so stark raving mad that I just had to let of steam and (rather than smashing something) what better way to do that than to go for a walk. I didn't go far; (I still have a fever from an infection I caught) just a stroll through our stamp-sized forest. Although it was cloudy and therefore dark in the forest, I still took the camera; force of habit. So here I was, still fuming, hands deep in my pockets, stamping through the forest. I just entered 'Birch Lane' as we call it (ok, ok, we are no strangers to a bit of megalomania :-)) when all of a sudden I heard twigs snapping. so I froze on the spot and went down on one knee and waited. 3 Roe deer stepped out of the forest onto the open space at the end of the 'lane' and started playing.. Wonderful to watch. As they don't see you very well when you don't move, I stayed put and snapped away. And then.. the sun broke through the clouds, showering the open space with light, setting the whole scene off magically. Sometimes the smallest things can make you happy again and forget what was bothering you. I my case today, it were 2 things; seeing the deer and that one ray of sunlight..

Original article and pictures take http://www. flickr. com/photos/hvhe1/3080395402/in/faves-lynetterussell/ site

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